Interesting Stuff - Week 8

Posted by nielsb on Sunday, February 26, 2017

Throughout the week, I read a lot of blog-posts, articles, etc., that has to do with things that interest me

  • data science
  • data in general
  • distributed computing
  • SQL Server
  • transactions (both db as well as non db)
  • and other “stuff”

This is the “roundup” of the posts that has been most interesting to me, this week.

SQL Server


  • Beam Graduates to Top-Level Apache Project. Beam is an Apache project seeking to create a unified programming model for streaming and batch processing jobs, and to produce artifacts that can be consumed by a number of supported data processing engines.
  • Fundamentals of Stream Processing with Apache Beam. More about Beam. This is a presentation about Beam’s out-of-order stream processing as well as Beam tries to simplify complex tasks.
  • Kafka Summit New York. If you are doing streaming, then you most likely are interested in or, at least, have heard about Kafka. The yearly Kafka conference are coming up, so go ahead and register.

Data Science

That’s all for this week. I hope you enjoy what I did put together. If you have ideas for what to cover, please comment on this post or ping me.

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