Niels Berglund

Interesting Stuff - Week 50, 2020

Kafka & transactional machine learning, distributed query engines, SQL Big Data Cluster, and other interesting topics!

Interesting Stuff - Week 49, 2020

Kafka and event streaming, .NET for Apache Spark, Service Mesh, and other interesting topics.

Interesting Stuff - Week 47, 2020

Kafka & retries, distributed ksqlDB, distributed systems course, Data Platform Summit 2020, and other interesting topics!

Interesting Stuff - Week 45, 2020

Kafka, ksqlDDB pull queries in Confluent Cloud, Kafka and SQL Server at Data Platform Summit, and other interesting topics.

Interesting Stuff - Week 43, 2020

Kafka, the many uses of ksqlDB, how to trace events, Pinot for big data analytics, and other interesting topics.

Interesting Stuff - Week 42, 2020

Kafka, ksqlDB, analytics using Druid and KStreams, Kubernetes and chaos, and other interesting topics.

Interesting Stuff - Week 40, 2020

New version Confluent Platform, cool ksqlDB stuff, me at SQLBits and other interesting topics.

Interesting Stuff - Week 35, 2020

Kafka, Kafka Summit, book about KStreams & ksqlDB, ksqlDB cheat-sheet, and other interesting topics.

Interesting Stuff - Week 33, 2020

Internals of Kafka & ksqlDB, monitoring at Netflix, Azure Data Studio, Azure Sketches, and other interesting topics.

Interesting Stuff - Week 32, 2020

Kafka, ksqlDB, Confluent Cloud everywhere, Azure SQL, and other interesting topics.