Interesting Stuff - Week 50 & Year End!

Posted by nielsb on Sunday, December 16, 2018

Throughout the week, I read a lot of blog-posts, articles, and so forth, that has to do with things that interest me:

  • data science
  • data in general
  • distributed computing
  • SQL Server
  • transactions (both db as well as non db)
  • and other “stuff”

This blog-post is the “roundup” of the things that have been most interesting to me, for the week just ending.

NOTE: I started with these roundup posts in the beginning of 2017 as a way to force myself to write, and - so far, so good. It is now coming up on Christmas and New Year, and I will take a break with these posts and come back in the beginning of next year.

Distributed Computing

  • Netflix Play API - An Evolutionary Architecture. An InfoQ presentation which deeps dive into how Netflix used a set of three core foundational principles to iteratively develop their architecture. This led to a list of practices to create an Evolutionary Architecture.



Data Science


  • Scaling Apache Kafka at Pinterest. Apache Kafka is used at Pinterest for transporting data for real-time streaming applications, logging and visibility metrics for monitoring. The installation runs on over 2000 brokers and handles more than 800 million messages and 1.2 Petabytes per day. This InfoQ article talks about how Pinterest scales Kafka.
  • Deep Dive into KSQL Deployment Options. This blog post provides first a brief overview of Kafka Streams and its execution model, and then it discusses KSQL deployment options.

SQL Server 2019

WIND (What Is Niels Doing)

I am continuing my Java and SQL Server 2019 journey. I am very close to finishing a post about how to deal with null values in the SQL Server 2019 Java Extension. It is a continuation of these posts:

~ Finally

That’s all for this week. I hope you enjoy what I did put together. If you have ideas for what to cover, please comment on this post or ping me. Seeing that holidays are coming up - have a Great Holiday Season!!

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