Niels Berglund

Interesting Stuff - Week 16

Confluent Platform 4.1 and KSQL in Kafka, cool SQLCLR things, .NET Core 2.1, Azure Global Boot Camp and other cool stuff!

Interesting Stuff - Week 29

SQLOS, SQLCLR and neural networks are prominent is this weeks roundup! Plus some other goodies!

SQL Server 2017 SQLCLR - Whitelisting Assemblies

SQL Server 2017 RC1 has added new functionality for SQLCLR security; sp_add_trusted_assembly.

SQL Server 2017, SQLCLR and Permissions

Investigation SQL Server 2017 "clr strict security" and its impact on SQLCLR

SQLCLR and Certificates

We discuss the use of TRUSTWORTHY and certificates in SQL Server when deploying SQLCLR assemblies.

Interesting Stuff - Week 6

Weekly roundup of what interesting stuff I have found.

SqlClrProject on GitHub

As some of you may know, I - once upon a time - developed a project (VS add-in, templates, etc) for automatic deployment of CLR assemblies to SQL Server: SqlClrProject. That project has been dormant now for a couple of years, but I now and then get requests for where it can be downloaded from (I had it on CodePlex, but had to take it down as I didn’t publish the source code).

Using F# in SQLCLR

Recently I have become very interested in F# and I am at the moment trying to get to grips with it. It is definitely a different beast than C#, but so far I like it - a lot!

Anyway, I am a SQL nerd, and many moons ago I was very heavily involved in SQLCLR (for you who don’t know what that is; it is the ability to run .NET code inside the SQL Server engine. It was first introduced with SQL Server 2005). So I thought it would be a “giggle” to see if I could get some F# code running inside SQL Server.

SQL Server Denali CTP 1 SUX

.. from a relational developers perspective!!

Well, the title may be a bit harsh, but at least it grabbed your attention - did it not?!

A week ago, or so, I wrote a wish list to Santa for Denali from a relational developers perspective. In that wish list I wrote that there has been fairly little love for relational SQL developers in the recent versions of SQL Server, and that I hoped in this version (i.e Denali) Microsoft would “go back to the roots” and give us developers some new stuff.

What New Programmability Features Will There Be in SQL 11?

There is probably no secret that Microsoft is working hard on next version of SQL Server. The rumour has it that it will be named SQL 11 (it apparently goes under the code name of Denali. Quiz; MS has used the Denali code name previously, what was it for? Answers in the comments ).