Niels Berglund

Java & SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework: The Sequel

We look at the implications of the introduction of the Java Language Extension SDK.

SQL Server 2019, Java & External Libraries - II

We look at how to use CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY to deploy Java code without having access to SQL Server's filesystem.

SQL Server 2019, Java & External Libraries - I

We look at how we can deploy Java code to the database, so it can be loaded from there.

SQL Server 2019 & Java with Visual Studio Code

We use VS Code to write Java code, and Maven to compile and package.

SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework & Java - Misc. 'Stuff'

We look at SQL Server 2019 Java Extensions, and Java packages, the CLASSPATH and JAR files!

SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework & Java - Null Values

We look at how to handle null values when calling Java code from SQL Server.

SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework & Java - Passing Data

Look at how to pass data back and forth between SQL Server 2019 and Java.

SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework & Java - Hello World

We look at how we install and enable Java extensions in SQL Server 2019, and a couple of simple Java methods.