Niels Berglund

SQL Server 2019 & Java: Parameters

We discuss how to handle parameters between SQL Server and Java, as well as discussing the support of output parameters.

SQL Server 2019 & Java Null Handling: Take Two

We take a second look at how to handle null values in datasets being passed to and from Java code.

Install SQL Server 2019 Big Data Cluster using Azure Data Studio

Installation of SQL Server 2019 Big Data Cluster on Azure Kubernetes Service using Azure Data Studio.

SQL Server 2019 CTP3.2 & Java

SQL Server 2019 CTP 3.2 and Azule OpenJDK.

Set Your SQL Server Data Free with Kafka: Extensibility Framework

In this post we look at how we use Java to send data from SQL Server to Kafka.

SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework & External Languages

We look at SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework and Language Extensions

Java & SQL Server 2019 Extensibility Framework: The Sequel

We look at the implications of the introduction of the Java Language Extension SDK.

SQL Server 2019, Java & External Libraries - II

We look at how to use CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY to deploy Java code without having access to SQL Server's filesystem.

SQL Server 2019, Java & External Libraries - I

We look at how we can deploy Java code to the database, so it can be loaded from there.

SQL Server 2019 & Java with Visual Studio Code

We use VS Code to write Java code, and Maven to compile and package.